The Association of Women in Agriculture Kenya (AWAK) took center stage as they proudly hosted the National Agroforestry Strategy stakeholder consultation forum at their AWAK Centre in Mombasa. This significant event was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, along with esteemed partners such as World Vision, ICRAF, VI-Agroforestry, CTCN, Nature Kenya, and other key stakeholders.

The primary objective of the forum was to prioritize and review the Kenya National Agroforestry Strategy, which aims to promote sustainable and resilient agriculture while addressing climate and environmental risks. The event brought together participants from Mombasa, Kwale, and Taita Taveta counties, facilitating public participation and encouraging valuable input.

Image 1: Stakeholders having delibartions during the Agroforestry Strategy Stakeholder Consultation – AWAK Centre, Mombasa

The grand opening of the Agroforestry Strategy Stakeholder Consultations – Mombasa Forum was marked by the inspiring words of Madam Judy Matu, the National Chair Lady of AWAK. She emphasized the importance of nurturing small beginnings, stating, “Every Tree was once a seed! Let’s purpose to sow that seed today, and in the next few years, our country will be greener, cooler, and much more productive!

Led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives in partnership with various organizations, AWAK played a crucial role in leading the gender and social inclusion pillar of the strategy. This focus on inclusivity ensures that the voices of women and marginalized groups are heard, empowering them to actively contribute to the development of sustainable agroforestry practices.

The forum provided a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, expertise, and experiences. By harnessing collective wisdom, the participants sought to create a mechanism that accelerates the adoption of agroforestry practices, leading to sustained benefits and resilience at the farm level. The integration of agroforestry into farming systems can mitigate land degradation, enhance farm productivity, reduce climate-related risks, and increase carbon storage capacity. Additionally, the implementation of agroforestry practices offers farmers multiple benefits, including increased income and improved nutritional security.

During the discussions, participants emphasized the need for robust policies and supportive frameworks to facilitate the successful implementation of the national strategy. The forum fostered dialogue on best practices, research, and innovative approaches to address the challenges and opportunities associated with agroforestry. It served as a platform for stakeholders to identify practical solutions, align resources, and foster collaboration between different sectors to achieve the desired outcomes.

The stakeholder consultation forum in Mombasa marked a significant milestone in Kenya’s journey towards sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation. The dedication and commitment exhibited by AWAK, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, and the various partners involved reinforced the importance of collective action in transforming the agricultural landscape. As the discussions concluded, it was evident that the participants were united in their vision of a greener, cooler, and more prosperous future for Kenya through agroforestry.

With the valuable insights gained from this forum, stakeholders will work together to finalize the National Agroforestry Strategy, ensuring it reflects the diverse needs and aspirations of Kenyan farmers. The implementation of this strategy holds the promise of a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the country. Kenya’s journey toward a greener and more productive future has just taken a significant step forward, thanks to the collaborative efforts of AWAK and its partners.

Image2: Agroforestry Strategy Stakeholder ConsultationsAWAK Centre, Mombasa

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