In a notable event held at the Tamarind Tree hotel in Nairobi County, the Association of Women in Agriculture Kenya (AWAK) proudly participated in the commemoration of the International Day of Care and Support 2023. The initiative, organized by the Executive Office of the President – Office of the Women’s Rights Advisor, brought together key stakeholders, including AWAK, to emphasize the significance of investing in an Inclusive Care Economy.

The occasion, formally inaugurated by Harriette Chiggai – the President’s advisor on women’s rights, underscored the administration’s commitment to developing resilient, gender-responsive, disability-inclusive, and age-sensitive care and support systems. Noteworthy figures present included nominated Senator Miraj Abdillah, Mr. Mbatia from KNBS, representatives from CSOs, and the private sector, all recognizing the pivotal role of care work in driving economic growth.

One of the highlights of the event was the dissemination of the recently launched Kenya Time Use Survey, which will serve as a crucial baseline for ongoing research on Unpaid Care and Domestic Work (UCDW). Understanding how women allocate their time in household responsibilities is deemed essential in comprehending the intersection of care work, women’s productivity, and their contributions to the economy.

The discussions delved into pressing issues such as children’s rights and safeguarding, the establishment of robust health systems for both children and caregivers, the urgent need to address working conditions for care workers, and strategies to quantify the value of care work. These deliberations not only shed light on the challenges faced but also paved the way for collaborative efforts to improve the conditions of those involved in care work.

AWAK remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for the rights and recognition of women in agriculture, recognizing the integral role they play in both the domestic sphere and the broader economy. The commemoration of the International Day of Care and Support serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of fostering an environment that values and supports those engaged in care work, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

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