Nakuru County.

AWAK team actively participated in a three-day workshop held in Nakuru County, dedicated to disseminating the findings of the Kenya Time Use Survey (KTU) report. The KTU survey, initiated in 2019, culminated in the launch of its comprehensive report this October 2023.

Organized collaboratively by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the State Department of Gender, the National Council of Population Development (NCPD), OXFAM, and UN WOMEN, the workshop served as a platform to illuminate the survey’s discoveries.

The primary objective of the workshop was to generate awareness regarding the survey’s outcomes and to craft a policy brief. This brief will be pivotal in presenting informed recommendations to the government, shaping both the KTU National policy and the National care policy currently in the drafting stage.

This event was an essential step in ensuring that the findings of the KTU report are not only acknowledged but also integrated into policy decisions. The workshop provided a space for stakeholders to collaboratively analyze the results and devise a comprehensive policy brief.

Confident in the impact of the KTU report, our organization believes that the insights gleaned from this survey will play a crucial role in guiding our ongoing project on Unpaid Care. The project aims to Recognize, Reduce, Redistribute, and Represent care work, thereby enabling caregivers to allocate more time to other self-sustaining roles such as education, employment, or leisure.

As we reflect on the workshop in Nakuru County, we are optimistic that the groundwork laid during this event will pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive approach to unpaid care work in our community. The commitment of various stakeholders, as showcased during the workshop, strengthens our resolve to champion the cause of recognizing and valuing care work in Nakuru County and beyond.

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